2013년 1월 31일 목요일

Sacred Poetry

Easter Island is a polynesian island in southeastern Pacific Ocean.  Jacob Roggeveen was the first European to reach the land in 1722.  Ever since the discovery of the island, the maois, monumental statues created by Rapanui people, were highly interested by archaeologists. These 887 maois are distributed throughout the coast of the Easter Island.  No clue of origin or purpose, these statues of Easter Island remain mysterious.


Oh God, Dear God listen to our prayer,
save us from the devil in the blue ocean over there.
To please you we set up tall moai here,
I hope this message reaches your ear.

A prophecy we will die by the force of water,
we sure are scared by such terror.
O God, we set up these moai with harsh breath
Come to us and save us from the hands of death.

We have only one purpose, just to please you
We sweat and set up the moai across the land that meets blue.
Because once the devil comes over to our land,
the only force that could resist the devil is you and your hand.

5 characteristics this poem fulfills:

Belief in spirit-forces or invisible power,
Close ties to a particular area or locality,
Concern with survival,
Concern about death,

2013년 1월 27일 일요일

Muslim Leaders seek exemption of Gay Marriage

"Muslim leaders have called for the same legal exemptions as the Church of England in gay marriage legislation." (BBC News)

Muslim leaders believe that they should follow The Equality Act of 2010, giving freedom of gay marriage.  Plans to actually start allowing gay marriages will start from the new election in 2015.  However, some Muslim leaders strongly disagrees with such idea, thinking gay marriage as an immoral thing.

Questions of the Universe

How do we know what is right (moral)?

             I have always believed that all human carry around the innocence they had from  when they were babies.  Although many lose much of their innocence as they get older, they still carry it deep inside their heart.  As I approached the question of morality, I have believed it might be different for each individuals.  The range of morality might differ for people depending on how much their innocence is left.  Confusing?  Let me introduce some examples.

A boy wanted attention from his peers.  He throws a rock at a stray cat walking around.  I'm pretty sure some feeling struck him as the cat fell in pain.  It was his innocence notiying him that his action was not "right".

An emotionless criminal murders a person.  Due to his lack of innocence, he wouldnt notice his action isnt right.  However, many people who approach this story would comment "that is not right".  This is because their innnocence is telling them such action is not right and that they should not commit such cruelty.

I believe the concept of morality shouldn't be approached from a wordly view, but be approached from a personal view. People should acknowledge the fact that each individual's concept of "right and wrong" is different.